Argh...letih nyer....
naik turun tgga cr tmpt nk wat internship..hrm..
akhirnya dapat jugak..thanx to kak shida n kakak aper ntah..huhuhu..
xingat..dier pon x introduce her self..
they gave me lots of coorperation..
give lots of information..
dari aku xpaham subject tu sampai la aku dh ble explain balik kt diorg yg diorg explained kt aku..huhuhu
esok, sabtu Abby will undergoing one more surgery..
the besi inside her arm is lilbit senget..
kesian will be her third time surgery..
Abby, be patient yer..ko kuat..
esok jugak aku akan balik ke tempt asal ku.. UiTM Seri Iskandar..
kt umah, my family plak nk g jalan2..picnic
kt Durian Burung..such a rural area..coverage hp jgn harap nk dapat..hahaha
malasnyer nk i decided xnk ikut..malas doe!!!
better i stay at home n do what should i do..(finish up the assignment)
hahaha..boleh ker???