after all the obstacles i've gone through, i found the shine at the end..i made it!!! enjoying, im learning, im happy now..thanx lots to Allah..without His blessing, i dunnoe what'll happen to me..
im in the right track now and just go with the flow..huhu..
without notice, it has been a month we (Department of Building) undergoing practical..huhu..lots of moment, suka duka, exhausted, funny, and new knowledge we gain..rite??
for my friends who didnt have opportunity to be with us, never give up k..maybe korg will face benda lg best dari ktorg..well everybody knows that contruction industry will expend to i donnoe the excactly the pit there r still alot of technology that will be existing in future and the chance will be urs my friends..
never give up k n remember "bersusah-susah dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian" k..
love frm hazwani to all my friends!!chaiyok2!!