wah..bestnyer dapat balik kampung!!!!!
tp kepulangan yang best..hahaha..sebab i met with my schoolmate..da lama xjumpa..it has been 5 years kot..xsangka, he's different..dulu kicik2 suke je kacau aku especially waktu mula2 pindah ke skolah campor (lelaki+perempuan)..maklumlah, b4 transfer i studied in Girl's School..huhu..
back to the story, seriously im not immagine he will be like now, n sumenye totaly different about him..haha..da cair ker???kuang3!!!ahamdulillah..he changed to be better..wah3!!kelas gtu..n i hope, we'll be best friends eva!!!!amin..
**hopefully A*** will change to..xsusah utk berubah untuk jadi lebih baik!!!